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<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Table of Contents


In the sphere of conversational AI and particularly with the advent of OpenAI's GPT-4, understanding the role of context in prompt design has never been more crucial. An effective prompt goes beyond just instructing GPT-4; it carries the inherent ability to guide the conversation's direction and significantly impact the model's output.

【3.1.】What is Context in Prompt Design?

In GPT-4 prompt design, context refers to the necessary background or relevant information provided within a prompt that helps guide the AI's response. In simpler terms, it's the "information framework" that the AI uses as a reference while constructing responses.

<aside> 🔹 Context can take many forms, including:

【3.2.】Why is Context Crucial?

<aside> 🔹 The context in your prompts plays a vital role in achieving the desired output from GPT-4 for several reasons:

  1. Guidance: Context helps guide GPT-4 to generate more precise and relevant responses.
  2. Coherence: Context ensures a smooth, coherent flow in the conversation, maintaining relevance and continuity across multiple exchanges.
  3. Precision: Context can help elicit specific types of responses, allowing you to align the output more closely with your specific needs. </aside>

【3.3.】Balancing Context

<aside> 🔹 However, context is a double-edged sword. Too little of it, and GPT-4 may not have enough information to provide the desired response. Too much, and the prompt might exceed GPT-4's maximum token limit or dilute the current prompt's focus.

The key lies in striking the right balance. You need to provide just enough context to guide GPT-4's responses accurately but not so much that it overwhelms the main instruction of the prompt.


【3.4.】Prompts Illustrating Context Control

<aside> 🔹 Controlling the conversation flow while maintaining the context can seem challenging, but it's an essential aspect of mastering GPT-4 prompt design. As you progress from beginner to intermediate and expert levels, your ability to handle complexity in context management should evolve as well.

Let's examine a series of prompts illustrating this progression.


Intermediate Level Prompt

<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Recipe Suggestion

This prompt involves a hypothetical user asking GPT-4 for a recipe suggestion based on a series of dietary restrictions and preferences.

I am looking for a {vegetarian} recipe that is also {gluten-free} and does not include {tomatoes}. Do you have any suggestions?

<aside> 🔸 Here, the context is simple, but it involves combining several pieces of information (vegetarian, gluten-free, no tomatoes) to arrive at a relevant suggestion.



Expert Level Prompt

<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Complex Quantum Physics Explanation

This prompt is designed so a user can gain a deep and nuanced understanding of complex topics, such as quantum physics.

Hello GPT-4, I am researching {Quantum Physics} and I am having difficulty understanding some concepts. 

Could you explain the {Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics} to me, in a way that would be accessible for someone with an understanding equivalent to a {bachelor's degree in Physics}, and also contrast it with the {Many-Worlds interpretation}? 

Please include key principles, historical context, and the implications of each interpretation.

<aside> 🔸 This prompt is rated as expert level due to several factors:

  1. Subject Matter: Quantum physics is a complex scientific discipline, and explaining its theories requires advanced understanding and handling of the subject matter.
  2. Contextual Understanding: The prompt requires GPT-4 to understand and utilize the user's current knowledge level (specified in the prompt). This means the model has to adapt its explanation based on the user's comprehension level.
  3. Comparison: The prompt asks for a comparison of two different theories or interpretations. This requires GPT-4 to not only explain each theory separately but also highlight their differences and implications in a clear, concise manner. This adds an additional layer of complexity to the prompt. </aside>


Master Level Prompt