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<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Table of Contents


【2.1.】Introduction to Controlling Output

Welcome to the heart of prompt design – crafting prompts for a variety of outputs. Whether you are seeking creative responses, factual information, Q&A formats, or list generation, GPT-4 has the potential to deliver. Your job is to master the art of asking the right way.

<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Creative Writing

Prompts for creative writing should inspire imagination. When crafting prompts for stories, poetry, or other creative endeavors, provide an engaging start or scenario and let GPT-4 weave its magic.

<aside> 🔹 For example, for a short story prompt, you might begin with:

Once upon a time, in a city where magic was as common as the air we breathe, there lived a young girl who had a peculiar ability...



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Factual Text

Factual prompts should be direct and specify the type of information you need. A good factual prompt often contains the topic and the desired format.

<aside> 🔹 For instance, if you want a brief summary of Albert Einstein's life, you could write:

Provide a brief summary of Albert Einstein's life.



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Q&A

For a successful Q&A prompt, format your question clearly and define the scope of the answer you desire. GPT-4 can handle complex queries, so don't hesitate to ask multi-part questions.

<aside> 🔹 For example:

What is the process of photosynthesis, and why is it essential for life on Earth?



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> List Generation

For list generation, specify the category and the number of items you want in the list. Also, provide any specific ordering or formatting requirements.

<aside> 🔹 For instance:

List down the top 10 most populated countries in the world in descending order.



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Conversational Style

Crafting a conversational prompt is slightly different as it typically involves providing a bit of dialogue context. If you want GPT-4 to continue a conversation, give it the last few exchanges to understand the context.

<aside> 🔹 For instance:

Person A: 'I'm thinking of taking up a hobby.' Person B: 'That's a great idea! What are you interested in?'



Remember, practice makes perfect. Experiment with different styles of prompts and monitor the output. GPT-4 is a powerful tool, and mastering prompt design can unlock its full potential.

【2.2.】Intermediate Level Prompts Showcasing Output Variety

Even with a single topic, the design of your prompt can significantly impact GPT-4's output. This section will illustrate this with intermediate-level prompts using the topic of "Global Warming".

<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Creative Writing

<aside> 🔹 Prompt:

Write an engaging short story where global warming has given rise to a new mythical creature.


<aside> <img src="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" alt="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" width="40px" /> GPT-4 could then craft a story where the effects of global warming, like melting ice caps or increased temperatures, have unveiled or created a previously unknown mythical creature. This showcases the creative application of GPT-4.



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Factual Text

<aside> 🔹 Prompt:

Write a brief summary of the causes and effects of global warming.


<aside> <img src="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" alt="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Here, GPT-4 will compile a factual, succinct summary detailing the causes and effects of global warming, demonstrating the ability to provide direct factual information.



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Q&A

<aside> 🔹 Prompt:

What are the main contributing factors to global warming, and what are some potential solutions?


<aside> <img src="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" alt="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This prompt frames the topic of global warming in a question format, and GPT-4 should respond with a list of contributing factors and potential solutions, illustrating its ability to provide direct responses to specific queries.



<aside> <img src="/icons/circle_blue.svg" alt="/icons/circle_blue.svg" width="40px" /> List Generation

<aside> 🔹 Prompt:

List the top five human activities contributing to global warming.


<aside> <img src="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" alt="/icons/subtitles_gray.svg" width="40px" /> GPT-4 would generate a list of the top five human activities contributing to global warming, showcasing the list-making capability of the AI.

