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Collection Home: Mastering GPT-4 Prompt Engineering


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【6.1.】Introduction to Advanced Techniques in Prompt Design

Welcome to the "Advanced Techniques in Prompt Design" section of the "Mastering GPT-4 Prompt Design" premium collection. Here, we will delve into sophisticated strategies and techniques that allow you to unleash the full potential of the GPT-4 model, specifically focusing on its implementation in ChatGPT.

As you progress in your journey of mastering prompt design with GPT-4, it's essential to understand how you can manipulate advanced aspects of the language model to achieve your desired outputs. These techniques involve a more in-depth understanding of how the model works and how to exploit its functionalities effectively.

<aside> 🔹 Here's a glimpse of what we'll explore in this section:

  1. System Prompts: System prompts play a crucial role in the behavior of the model, especially during the start of a conversation. By using carefully constructed system prompts, you can set the tone, style, and context for the conversation. We will explore how to master the use of system prompts in your conversation designs.
  2. Token Economy: Every GPT-4 response has a token limit, and each word or character set consists of one or more tokens. Understanding how tokens work is vital for controlling the length and quality of GPT-4 responses. We'll dive into managing the token economy effectively to optimize your ChatGPT interactions.
  3. Context Window: GPT-4, similar to its predecessors, has a context window within which it 'understands' and responds to inputs. Manipulating this context window can be a powerful tool in shaping the direction of the conversation. We'll uncover strategies for effectively utilizing the context window for optimal results.
  4. Temperament Control: Control the model's temperament to influence its outputs. Whether you want the model to generate creative, focused, or even playful content, learning to adjust the underlying 'temperament' can be a game-changer.
  5. Prompt Sequencing: Crafting a series of prompts to guide the model towards a specific type of conversation or output can be highly effective. This technique requires a nuanced understanding of how GPT-4 handles sequential prompts. We'll explore this aspect in depth to enhance your ChatGPT experience. </aside>

Each of these techniques opens up new ways for you to interact with and extract value from GPT-4. As you explore each topic, you'll find hands-on exercises and examples to help you gain practical experience. Let's dive in and uncover the full power of GPT-4 prompt engineering!

【6.2.】Expert-Level Prompts Showcasing Advanced Techniques

<aside> 🔹 1. System Prompts

System prompts are an advanced technique used to control the conversation's context, tone, and style at the beginning.


You are an AI language model tasked with helping students understand complex scientific concepts in an easy-to-understand and friendly manner. 

The topic of discussion today is quantum physics. 

Can you explain quantum superposition to a high school student?

This prompt utilizes a system prompt to establish the tone (friendly), target audience (high school students), and subject (quantum physics).


<aside> 🔹 2. Token Economy

Tokens are the atomic units of language models. They can be a single character or a word, depending on the language. An understanding of tokens allows us to control the length and content of responses effectively.


You are a world-class chef giving brief, tweet-length advice (approximately 280 characters) on creating the perfect spaghetti carbonara. Go!

This prompt asks GPT-4 for a short response that fits within Twitter's character limit, demonstrating an understanding of the token economy.


<aside> 🔹 3. Context Window

The context window is the amount of text the model considers when generating a response. Leveraging this can provide more control over the model's responses.


{User}: What do you know about the Star Wars universe?

{GPT-4}: As an AI model trained on a vast corpus of text, I have a lot of information about Star Wars, from characters to plot lines, starships, and more. Please specify the particular area or topic you're interested in.

{User}: Tell me about the Jedi Order.

{GPT-4}: The Jedi Order is...

{User}: Can you give more information about their code?

{GPT-4}: The Jedi Code is...

This series of prompts utilizes the context window to steer the conversation in a specific direction, providing more details about the Jedi Order from Star Wars.


<aside> 🔹 4. Temperament Control

You can control the temperament of GPT-4 to influence the style of the generated content.


You are an AI with the personality of Shakespeare. Can you write a brief passage on the importance of artificial intelligence in today's society?

This prompt guides GPT-4 to generate content with the temperament and style of Shakespeare.


<aside> 🔹 5. Prompt Sequencing

Sequencing prompts effectively can guide the model towards generating a specific type of content or conversation.


{User}: Begin writing a story set in a medieval kingdom.

{GPT-4}: Once upon a time, in a far-off medieval kingdom...

{User}: Introduce a mysterious stranger arriving in the kingdom.

{GPT-4}: One day, a mysterious stranger arrived...

{User}: The stranger reveals that he is a mage with a message from a distant land. Continue the story.

This sequence of prompts guides GPT-4 into generating a specific type of story, demonstrating effective prompt sequencing.


【6.3.】Exercises to Practice Advanced Techniques

<aside> 🔹 Exercise 1 for System Prompts

Write a system prompt to engage GPT-4 in a conversation about astrophysics. The AI should talk like a university professor and explain dark matter to an undergraduate student.

<aside> 🔸 Hint: Remember to define the tone, target audience, and subject in the system prompt.



<aside> 🔹 Exercise 2 for Token Economy

Draft a prompt asking GPT-4 to generate a short story with a strict limit of 1000 tokens. The story should involve a detective, a mysterious artifact, and an ancient curse.

<aside> 🔸 Hint: Be explicit about the token limit in the prompt, and define key elements to be included in the story.

